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Early Childhood/Preschool (EC/P), Kindergarten, and returning student registration for the 2024-25 school year opens online beginning Tuesday, April 2, 2024.  Families who register their students and pay their fees or set up a payment plan through the Business Office (708-342-5513) by Tuesday, April 30, 2024, will receive an early registration discount.

To attend school in the fall of 2024:

  • Preschool students must be three (3) years old on or before September 1, 2024.
  • Kindergarten students must be five (5) years old on or before September 1, 2024.

Need more information about our Early Childhood and Preschool Programs?

Detailed descriptions of our Early Childhood and Preschool Programs can be found under the Student Services Department section of our website.

Click in the links below to view student fee and payment information.

CURRENT D140 FAMILIES will be able to pay student fees by selecting the Fees tab in the left index of their Infinite Campus Parent Portal.

NEW D140 FAMILIES will be able to pay student fees after residency verification is complete.


School Fees for 2024-25 School Year 

Required Student Fees

Early Childhood through Eighth-Grade Instructional Materials Fee (includes textbook, technology and supply fees)

  • Preschool Program: 
    • Student Fee: $2500
  • EC/Kindergarten: 
    • Student Fee: $180
  • Grades 1 - 5:
    • Student Fee: $190
  • Grades 6 - 8: 
    • Student Fee: $200
  • Special Education Out-of-District Placement: 
    • EC/Kindergarten:
      • Student Fee: $180
    • Grades 1 - 5:
      • Student Fee: $190
    • Grades 6 - 8: 
      • Student Fee: $200

Additional Student Fees

  • Milk (Fat-free chocolate or 1% white): $25
  • Middle School Eighth-grade Graduation: $40
  • NSF Check Return Fee: $25
  • Optional Transportation Fee:
    • Transportation Fee, if registered and placed on the optional transportation waiting list: $900

Optional Transportation Fee

2024-25 School Year

  • Optional Transportation Fee:
    • Transportation Fee, if paid after after April 30, 2024: $900

Students in Kindergarten through eighth grade living between seven-tenths (.7) and under one and one-half (1.5) miles from the school they attend are considered Optional Bus Riders. 

Subject to availability, parents/guardians of Optional Bus Riders will have the opportunity to pay for bus service at an annual fee established by the Board of Education of Kirby School District 140. Please note, optional transportation is not provided to Preschool students. 

Optional transportation requests are taken on a first-come, first-served basis and routed if/when space becomes available. Please email Carly Grad at or call the Transportation Department at (708) 532-8539 as soon as registration opens to get placed on the waiting list. Families must be registered in order to request optional bus service.

The number of Optional Bus Riders assigned to bus routes is determined on a case-by-case basis and varies on availability by the school and routes each school year. 

When the Transportation Department assigns a bus route to an optional rider on the waiting list, the Business Office will contact the family regarding payment of transportation fees. Families must register their student and pay their fees or set up a payment plan in order to receive optional transportation. Installment plans for transportation fees are available through our Business Office (708-342-5513).

Please email Carly Grad at or call the Transportation Office at (708) 532-8539 for more information.

Free Milk/Lunch and Fee Waiver Applications

If you are registered and wish to apply for the Free Milk/Lunch program and a fee waiver, please click on the link below to download and print the necessary form. Waiver applications cannot be processed until after July 1 for the upcoming school year. Please contact Nancy Rittenbacher at or call (708) 342-5513 with any questions. 


D140 prioritizes comprehensive strategies to support students' mental, emotional, and physical health. Please click on the tabs below to review D140 health information and resources.

KSD 140 has the services of a full-time Registered Nurse at every school building. First aid is administered as necessary. Parents will be contacted immediately in the event of a serious injury. If the situation warrants, paramedics will be called, and the student will be taken to an area hospital; the cost of the ambulance will be the parent's responsibility. Emergency information must be up to date. Each child has a permanent Health Record that contains all pertinent information. Please keep the school notified of any health problems. All information is kept confidential and only shared with staff on a need-to-know basis. Please contact the school to discuss any health problems or attendance concerns.

If a teacher suspects a child is ill while in class, the child will be sent to the health office. Parents will be notified when their child has a fever over 100°F and exhibits other symptoms indicating a need for further evaluation. A child sent home with a fever may not return to school for any reason until the fever has subsided and remained normal for 24 hours without fever-reducing medication. If a child has been sent home because of vomiting or diarrhea, the child should stay home until there has been no more vomiting or diarrhea for 24 hours. When an illness or condition outbreak occurs in a classroom, an informative note may be sent home. If a child is absent for three consecutive days or more, a note from their healthcare provider may be necessary to explain the condition.

To protect your child and others, please do not send your child to school with a fever, vomiting, diarrhea, rash, persistent cough, sore throat, swollen glands, earache, and/or runny nose.

Please see the guidelines below to help prevent the spread of illness and to help you decide whether or not to send your child to school.

In addition to immunizations, the State of Illinois requires the following for all students enrolled in public or private schools:

  • Speech Walk-In students are required to have a school physical examination.
  • Early Childhood and Preschool Program - Students need a school physical examination.
  • Kindergarten - Students need a school physical, dental, and vision examination.
  • 2nd Grade - Students need a dental examination.
  • 6th Grade - Students need a school physical and dental examination.

Additionally, any student enrolling in school for the first time in Illinois must have an eye exam. 

Health Forms:


District 140 recognizes that some students may require the administration of medication during school hours. In order for your student to receive medication in school, including non-prescription drugs, the KSD 140 Authorization for Administration of Medication in School form must be completed by both the licensed prescriber and the parent. Medication, including over-the-counter medicines, must be brought to school in the original container. Parents are asked to bring medication to the school nurse. Children should not transport medicine to or from school.

Additionally, your child’s doctor may determine that it is appropriate for him/her to self-possess an inhaler and/or EpiPen during school hours and during school related activities. Please alert the school nurse, teacher, and coach if your student is prescribed an inhaler or EpiPen. If your child is prescribed an inhaler, the school nurse will make a copy of the licensed prescriber’s order printed on the front of the container for the inhaler. If your child is prescribed an EpiPen, an Emergency Action Plan (EAP) should be developed with input from the doctor and parent. Please download and complete an Illinois Food Allergy Emergency Action Plan and Treatment Authorization form. The school nurse and the appropriate staff will facilitate the EAP when your child is in school and during school-related activities.

Orland Township Immunization Clinics and Health Fair

Orland Township is home to four school districts and over 10,000 school-aged children. Immunization Clinics are held monthly at the Orland Township office located at 14807 S. Ravinia Avenue, Orland Park. Vaccines are available only to Orland Township residents 18 and under who are uninsured, underinsured (insurance plan does not include vaccine coverage; policy must be shown), Medicaid-eligible XIX (19), or are Native American or Alaska Native. Orland Township's Children's Health Fair, which is offered in the month of July, gives parents the peace of mind that their child will start the first day of school with dental, physical, immunizations and vision testing properly completed by the Township doctors and nurses.

Click here to view dates and detailed information regarding Orland Township's Immunization Clinics and Children's Health Fair.

Vision and Hearing Screenings

District 140 nurses conduct vision and hearing screenings for its students according to the following schedule. Vision screenings are conducted for all students in kindergarten, second grade, eighth grade, all new students to the District, and annually for all students who receive special education. Hearing screenings are conducted for all students in kindergarten, first grade, second grade, third grade, all new students to the District, and annually for all students receiving special education.

Speech and Language Screening

Periodically throughout the school year, Speech-Language Pathologists of Kirby School District 140 will be evaluating children for possible articulation, fluency (stuttering), voice, or language problems. Those students to be screened include: 1) new students to the District who have not been previously screened; and 2) pupils recommended by their classroom teacher or parent. Parents will be notified of screening results.

Flu Information

District and school administrators are working with U.S. and Illinois education and health agencies to plan for the upcoming flu season to be sure our policies and practices are appropriate should the flu impact our schools. As more information is available, it will be shared with families.

Overall, students and staff are reminded to exercise good personal hygiene habits. The Illinois Department of Public Health suggests the Three C’s:

Clean – Wash your hands frequently to prevent the spread of germs
Cover – Your cough or sneeze with a tissue or sleeve, not your hand
Contain – your germs – stay home if you are sick

Head Lice

To review information relating to head lice, please click on the links below:

Sick Day Guidelines

Please see the guidelines below to help prevent the spread of illness and to help you decide whether or not to send your child to school. 

Kirby School District 140 believes one of its primary responsibilities is the establishment of a safe learning environment for all students. The School District will require and support immediate attention to any behaviors that threaten the well-being of students and affect the student's educational environment.

Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school-aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. Students who are bullied and who bully others may have serious, lasting problems. In order to be considered bullying, the behavior must be aggressive and include:

  • An Imbalance of Power: Those who bully use their power - such as physical strength, access to embarrassing information, or popularity - to control or harm others. Power imbalances can change over time and in different situations, even if they involve the same people.
  • Repetition: Bullying behaviors happen more than once or have the potential to happen more than once.

Bullying includes actions such as making threats, spreading rumors, attacking someone physically or verbally, and excluding someone from a group on purpose. For detailed information, please refer to Kirby School District 140’s Board Policy 7:180, Prevention of and Response to Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment.

To report an incidence of bullying, a student (or an adult on the student's behalf) should contact a staff member or administrator (classroom teacher, principal, school counselor, or social worker). Students or parents can also anonymously report any suspicious activity, bullying, or other sensitive issues to the school office.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255

District 140 complies with Illinois law by meeting the requirements of Ann Marie's Law. The law, signed in 2015, mandates that all Illinois public schools provide age-appropriate suicide and depression awareness and prevention education programs for students in grades kindergarten through 12. 

In addition, the District encourages parents who are concerned about their children to access the following resources for support. School social workers are also available at each school, if you believe your child may need additional help. Please click on the links below for more information.

Orland Township Immunization Clinics and Health Fair

Orland Township is home to four school districts and over 10,000 school-aged children. Immunization Clinics are held monthly at the Orland Township office located at 14807 S. Ravinia Avenue, Orland Park. Vaccines are available only to Orland Township residents 18 and under who are uninsured, underinsured (insurance plan does not include vaccine coverage; policy must be shown), Medicaid-eligible XIX (19), or are Native American or Alaska Native. Orland Township's Children's Health Fair, which is offered in the month of July, gives parents the peace of mind that their child will start the first day of school with dental, physical, immunizations and vision testing properly completed by the Township doctors and nurses.

Click here to view dates and detailed information regarding Orland Township's Immunization Clinics and Children's Health Fair.

Additional Resources:

Please click on the tabs below to review busing information and services provided by D140's Transportation Department.

Kirby School District 140 owns and operates its own transportation system.

  • School bus transportation is provided free of charge to Kindergarten through eighth grade students living one and one-half (1.5) miles or more from the school they attend.
  • Students in Kindergarten through eighth grade living between seven-tenths (.7) and under one and one-half (1.5) miles from the school they attend are considered Optional Bus Riders.

Please note, Transportation is not provided to Preschool students.

All students are assigned a bus status code based on distance.  In accordance of Article 29 of the Illinois School Code (105 ILCS 5/29-3), the distance shall be measured from the exit of the residence property to the point where pupils are normally unloaded at the school attended by determining the shortest distance on normally traveled roads or streets Pupils can also be required to walk up to one and one-half miles from their residence to a pick-up point regardless of the distance traveled by bus. 

Bus Status Codes:

  • Walkers: Students living less than seven-tenths (.7) of a mile from the school they attend are not eligible to ride the bus.
  • Legal Riders: Students living one and one-half (1.5) miles or more from the school they attend are provided free transportation.
  • Special Education: Students who are transported due to Individual Education Program requirements.
  • Hazard Riders: Students living less than one and one-half (1.5) miles from the school they attend but are eligible for free transportation due to a hazard as approved by the Illinois Department of Transportation.
  • Optional Riders:  Subject to availability, students living between seven-tenths (.7) and under one and one-half (1.5) miles from the school they attend are eligible for transportation at an annual fee established by the Board of Education.

Questions? Please contact the Transportation Department at 708-532-8539.

Bus Routes

In establishing the bus routes, it is our responsibility to schedule the safest and shortest route to and from the school building which your child attends. Please make sure that your student is at their assigned bus stop 5-7 minutes prior to the scheduled pick-up time each day. Assigned bus routes are those located closest to the student's home address. 

Your child’s bus information can be found in the Infinite Campus Parent Portal. Select More in the left index, then select Transportation. We reserve the right to assign bus stops if necessary. Students will not be able to change bus routes. 

Actual stop times will vary for the first several weeks of school as route patterns are established, and the students adjust to boarding and getting seated.

If you intend to meet your child at the bus stop, review with your child your plan in the event you are either not at the bus stop or not at home after school on “normal” days. Preparing your child for such instances can be a positive and reassuring experience as well as a great safety procedure.

AM Band Bus

If your child is a bus rider and participates in the morning middle school band program, an AM Band Bus is available. The AM Band Bus stop is located in the Infinite Campus Parent Portal. Select More in the left index, then select transportation. Please note that your child’s AM Band Bus Stop may be different from their regular school-assigned AM Bus Stop. This service is available on days when there is band practice. 

Middle School Activity Bus

On days when student support occurs, a daily activity bus will depart from the two district middle schools at 4:10 p.m. An activity bus is an option for bus riders only. Please note that the middle school activity bus stop may be different from a child's regular bus stop.  A list of these stops can be found in your child's school office or by calling the Transportation Department at 708-532-8539.

Child Care Transportation

Transportation for students to and from a child care provider’s residence will only be provided to individual child care providers within the school boundaries and within the normal established transportation routes.  Applications for this service can be obtained by calling the Administration Building at 708-532-6462.  Applications will be accepted based upon availability. A $75.00 administrative fee will be assessed in addition to other fees necessary for the transportation.  

No bus service will be provided to and from Day Care Centers.

Students in Kindergarten through eighth grade living between seven-tenths (.7) and under one and one-half (1.5) miles from the school they attend are considered Optional Bus Riders. 

Subject to availability, parents/guardians of Optional Bus Riders will have the opportunity to pay for bus service at an annual fee established by the Board of Education of Kirby School District 140. Please note, optional transportation is not provided to Preschool students.

Optional transportation requests are taken on a first-come, first-served basis and routed if/when space becomes available. Please email Carly Grad at or call the Transportation Department at 708-532-8539 as soon as registration opens to get placed on the waiting list. Families must be registered in order to request optional bus service. 

2024-25 School Year

  • Optional Transportation Fee:     
    • Transportation Fee, if registered and placed on the optional transportation waiting list after April 30, 2024: $900

The number of Optional Bus Riders assigned to bus routes is determined on a case-by-case basis and varies on availability by the school and routes each school year. 

When the Transportation Department assigns a bus route to an optional rider on the waiting list, the Business Office will contact the family regarding payment of transportation fees. Families must register their student and pay their fees or set up a payment plan in order to receive optional transportation. Installment plans for transportation fees are available through our Business Office 708-342-5513.

Please email Carly Grad at or call the Transportation Office at 708-532-8539 for more information.

The safety of our students is our top priority, and that extends to their transportation to and from school. Each day, more than 1,500 District 140 students rely on school buses to get to and from school. By following proper safety protocols, we can ensure that children arrive at their destination safely. Whether you're a student riding the bus, a parent ensuring your child knows the rules, or a driver sharing the road with school buses, we all have a role to play in maintaining a safe environment.

Bus Stop and Boarding Safety

  • Arrive Early: Students should arrive at the bus stop 5-7 minutes before the bus is scheduled to arrive. This prevents last-minute rushing, which can lead to unsafe situations.
  • Stand Back: Always wait at least 10 feet from the curb while waiting for the bus.
  • Follow the Driver's Instructions: The bus driver’s signals and instructions keep students safe. Always wait for the driver’s signal before crossing the street or boarding the bus.
  • Use the Handrail: Getting on and off the bus safely means using the handrail to avoid slips or falls.

On the Bus

  • Stay Seated: Once on the bus, students should sit facing forward and keep the aisle clear. Moving around or distracting the driver can lead to dangerous situations.
  • Respect Others: Respecting the space and safety of other students helps create a positive and secure environment for everyone.

For Parents

  • Reinforce Safety Rules: Talk to your children about the importance of staying safe at the bus stop and on the bus. Teaching and reminding them of these rules helps keep them and their peers safe.
  • Be There: If you have young children, especially those in Early Childhood and Kindergarten, ensure that an authorized adult is at the bus stop to meet them after school. If you are unable to be at the stop, please have a plan in place for your student or call the school office.

For Drivers

  • Stop for School Buses: All vehicles must stop when a bus's stop arm is extended and the red lights are flashing. Passing a stopped school bus is illegal and extremely dangerous.
  • Be Alert in School Zones: Drive slowly and be extra cautious around school zones and bus stops. Children can sometimes be unpredictable, so staying alert can prevent accidents.

By working together and following these guidelines, we can ensure that school bus transportation remains one of the safest ways for students to travel. 

Kirby School District 140 uses CLEAR ID Confirm to e-verify current family address information.  This verification method streamlines the registration process for District families while still assuring that students enrolled in our school are residents within the boundaries of District 140. 

CLEAR uses a parent's name and address to crosscheck the information against public records and determine if a student's residency falls within District 140 boundaries.

If your residency is verified through the CLEAR process, you will not need to submit any additional documentation to certify that you live within the District.

If your residency is not verified through the CLEAR process, you will be contacted over the summer and asked to submit the documents from Category I and Category II listed below. All documents must be current and show your name and address.

Category I: (one document required)

  • Current closing papers
  • Signed and dated lease with two rent receipts
  • Mortgage statement or payment book/coupon
  • Most recent property tax bill and proof of payment (i.e. canceled check or Form 1098)

Category II: (two documents required showing proper address)

  • Driver’s License/State ID
  • Current utility bill - gas, electric, water, cable, phone 
  • Vehicle Registration
  • Most recent credit card bill
  • Current Bank Statement
  • Proof of payment for current homeowner’s or renter’s insurance premium

When registering a new student, you will be asked to upload your student’s birth certificate and contact your child’s school to schedule an in-person appointment to submit an ORIGINAL birth certificate with the county seal affixed before your registration can be approved.

For children born in Cook County, birth certificates may be obtained from the Cook County Clerk's Office at or by calling 866-252-8974.

Anyone with a Custody Order Seeking to Enroll a Student

Anyone with a custody order seeking to enroll a student must present a court order, agreement, judgment, or decree that awards or gives custody of the student to any person (including divorce decrees awarding custody to one or both parents).

A family living with an in-district resident and seeking enrollment for their child(ren) should be prepared to provide the following AFFIDAVIT OF RESIDENCY information with their online application.

Parent/Guardian information:

1. Submit two documents from the following list:

  • Driver’s license or State ID
  • Vehicle registration card
  • Cell phone bill

2. Digitally sign the Affidavit of Residency Parent/Guardian section of the family's online registration form.

Owner of Residence Information:

1. Category I - Submit one of the following proofs of ownership:

  • Current closing papers
  • Signed and dated lease with two rent receipts
  • Mortgage statement or payment book/coupon
  • Most recent property tax bill and proof of payment (i.e. canceled check or Form 1098)

2. Category II - Submit two of the following proofs of ownership:

  • Driver’s License/State ID
  • Current utility bill - gas, electric, water, cable, phone 
  • Vehicle Registration
  • Most recent cable television and/or credit card bill
  • Current Bank Statement
  • Proof of payment for current homeowner’s or renter’s insurance premium 

3. Digitally sign the Affidavit of Residency Owner of Residence section of the family's online registration form.

Military Personnel Enrolling a Student for the First Time in the District (Must provide one of the following within 60 days after the date of student’s initial enrollment)

  • Postmarked mail addressed to military personnel
  • Lease agreement for occupancy
  • Proof of ownership of residence

Military Personnel with Legal Custody of a Child Who Want to Keep the Child Enrolled in the District Despite Having Changed Residence Due to a Military Service Obligation
Upon submitting a written request, the student’s residence will be deemed to be unchanged for the duration of the custodian’s military service obligation. The District, however, is not responsible for the student’s transportation to or from school.

Military Personnel Placing Nonresident Child with Non-Custodial Parent While on Active Military Duty
A student will not be charged tuition while he or she is placed with a non-custodial parent (a person who has temporary custody of a child of active duty military personnel and who is responsible for making decisions for the child). Must provide any “special power of attorney” created by the student’s parent/guardian for the District to follow. A special power of attorney authorizes: (1) the student to enroll in a district of the non-custodial parent and (2) the non-custodial parent to make decisions for the student. Any special power of attorney will be filed in the student’s temporary record.

If you and your children are in a temporary living situation, your children have the right to stay in the school of origin or choose the attendance area school where you are moving; receive transportation to and from your school of origin; immediately enroll in school, with or without school or health records; and/or get free lunch and school fee waivers.

You and your children are eligible for these rights if you share housing with others because of loss of housing, economic need or domestic violence; live in a shelter or motel; live in a campground, park, car or abandoned building; and/or are without a permanent address.

For further assistance or information, please contact KSD 140 Homeless Liaison Ms. Michelle Roeder at 708-349-3810 or call the Illinois Homeless Education Program Hotline at 1-800-215-6379. Additional information can also be found at the Illinois State Board of Education.

Online Resources for Parents and Students:

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