The Patriot Pod Squad
Grissom Middle School’s Patriot Pod Squad provides an opportunity for students to share their ideas in a fun and innovative way. Often informative or opinion-led, podcasts range in topic, style, and demeanor. Students in Grades 6-8 develop their podcasts utilizing innovative technology, honing their interviewing and writing skills, and exploring topics interesting to them. Grissom Middle School’s podcasting club is open to sixth-, seventh-, and eighth-grade students and meets in the Media Center.

Meet the Pod Squad
Administrators: Mrs. J. Labudzik and Mrs. K. Vasilopoulos
Producer: Kyler
Hosts: Joshua, Kim, Kyler, Kendall, and Nabiha
Podcast suggestions?
Send your ideas for podcast topics to or
Listen to 2024-2025 Patriot Pod Squad Episodes:
Season 2 - Episode 2: This or That?
Season 2 - Episode 1: The New Guy
Listen to 2023-2024 Patriot Pod Squad Episodes:
Season 1 - Episode 3: "Middle School...Why?"
Season 1 - Episode 2: Meet Your Pod Squad
Season 1 - Episode 1: Principal / Office Confessions
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